How technological tools help your company’s financial department
We have already demonstrated on the Albieri and Associates blog a number of resources and services that can help improve the processes within your company’s accounting, fiscal and financial department, and now we will talk a bit about how technological tools can help you make these areas even more efficient, achieving significant results. Reflecting on […]
Find out how to avoid overloading your staff’s duties
The build-up of tasks in departments that have hectic routines, such as the tax, accounting, and financial areas, can result in overloading the staff and, as such, greatly hinder the performance and results of company employees. Many business owners seek alternatives to circumvent this situation and, these days, outsourcing is the most practical and efficient […]
According to the Economic Forum, Brazil scores lowest in business dynamism. But the de-bureaucratization law suggests an intention to improve
On Tuesday, the 16th, a ranking was published by the World Economic Forum, in partnership with the Dom Cabral Foundation, that evaluates the economic competitiveness among 140 countries. Brazil scored the worst rating in the “Business Dynamism” category, dropping down 3 positions and ranking in 72nd place among the 140 countries evaluated. On a scale […]
Law eliminates notarizing signatures and favors paralegal services
On Tuesday, October 9, Law 13.726/2018 was enacted and published in the Brazilian Official Federal Gazette. The law established the end of requiring notarized signatures, authenticating copies and other personal documents by public agencies, such as birth certificates and voter registrations. The new law goes into effect starting November 22 and also provides for a […]
3 tips for effecting good tax planning
We have mentioned in this Albieri and Associates blog that the proper management of the accounting, tax and financial departments is essential for your company’s success. Indeed, within these areas, tax planning has risen to prominence over the last few years because – in addition to generating improved financial efficiency in the company’s business – […]
How outsourcing can help increase a company’s income
These days, with the enormous ease of accessing information and the overwhelming amount of content, ideas and strategies being developed by numerous players in the market, it has become quite difficult to ensure that in-house staff at companies are following the best practices and latest tools available in the tax, accounting or financial area. We’ve […]
Finance Department: understand when to outsource your staff
Here in the Albieri and Associates blog, we have already touched on the importance of the accounting, tax and financial departments at a company, and that one of the ways to upgrade employees and get even better results is by outsourcing all or part of the staff. However, many business owners still have a hard […]
Outsourcing accounts for 22% of the formal workforce
The growth of outsourcing services over the last 18 months is quite noticeable and has become an excellent option for business owners who want to strengthen and upgrade their staff in an efficient and economical way. According to information from a report published in the Brazilian magazine Exame “the IBGE suggests that 22% of formal […]
Transfer an employee or outsourcing? Know which one to choose
If you are a business owner and your company is relocating to another city or state, transferring an employee is often required, and there is a great amount of organization involved to get it done in the best way without having a negative impact on your staff’s routines and bottom-line. In many cases, outsourcing a […]
Find out how to reduce costs for your company’s Accounting Reconciliations department
One of the greatest challenges facing business owners is reducing administrative costs without affecting the quality and bottom-line of their company. In many cases, outsourcing financial, tax and accounting staff can be a great alternative to reaching this goal. And this is the topic we’ll expand upon in today’s text. First of all, we should […]