Andersen Tax is in 22nd place among the top 400 companies of 2019 in the accounting segment.
INSIDE Public Accounting (IPA) has recognized Andersen Tax as one of the 2019 Tops 100 companies, as well as a faster Organic Growth company. Today with 136 locations in more than 50 countries, in Brazil Albieri e Associados is collaborating with focus on accounting, tax, financial and payroll BPO services, as well as Consulting, Tax […]
How does a Paralegal Department work?
Paralegal or Permits professionals work as major business partners of Legal, Accounting, Tax, Expansion and other departments of the company that need contact with government agencies. Some demands such as incorporation of new companies or branches, termination of businesses, obtaining state and municipal registrations, negative debt certificates, permits and operating licenses among many other activities […]
What is Paralegal and what its importance?
Although the Paralegal Department suggests a purely legal practice or support for legal departments, it can be said that this area extends to other relevant points within an organization. Paralegal is often compared with traditional “dispatchers” who are directly linked to procedures with public agencies. However, today, the performance of the Paralegal area goes beyond […]
Andersen Global Expands into Ghana
Ghana law firm, Sam Okudzeto & Associates, signed a collaboration agreement with Andersen Global, marking Andersen Global’s presence in 13 African countries and over 51 countries worldwide. Located in the capital of Accra, Sam Okudzeto & Associates is one of the largest law firms in Ghana. For the past 48 years, the firm has provided […]
Andersen Global Enters Senegal, Expands Presence in Africa
Andersen Global is proud to announce a collaboration agreement with Cabex, one of the oldest legal and tax consulting firms in Senegal.
The World’s 100 Most Valuable Brands in 2019
Think of your favorite brand. If it’s a Big Tech company, like Apple or Microsoft, it may be worth something! That’s the takeaway from Forbes magazine’s latest list of the world’s 100 most valuable brands.
Andersen Tax Debuts in United Kingdom
Andersen Global is proud to announce the debut of the Andersen name in United Kingdom with the establishment of Andersen Tax LLP. Andersen Tax LLP in the UK joins the global organization as the first member firm in the UK and is led by Partners George McCracken, Julian Nelberg, and Paul Lloyds. The team specializes […]
IRS Issues Final and Proposed Regulations on GILTI
IRS and Treasury have released final and proposed regulations regarding the new global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI) regime. Both sets of regulations provide guidance on determining the amount of GILTI included in the gross income of certain U.S. shareholders of foreign corporations, as well as other rules more broadly applicable for purposes of subpart F […]
Andersen Name Premieres in Kuwait
Andersen Global announced today one of the premier accounting firms in Kuwait will debut the Andersen name there, furthering the presence of Andersen Global in the Middle East. Causeway Company For Financial Management Consulting W.L.L. in Kuwait will now become Andersen Tax in Kuwait. The firm joined Andersen Global as a collaborating firm last year […]
Andersen Global Expands in Hamburg
Kolaschnik Partner will join Andersen Tax & Legal in Germany Andersen Global continues its expansion in Germany, announcing today that Kolaschnik Partner Rechtsanwälte, a corporate and commercial law firm with offices in Hamburg, combines its practice with Andersen Tax & Legal in Germany. The office is the first Andersen Global location in Hamburg, and the […]